Call of duty Ghosts, cheapest PS3 orginal game available online.

  • Call of Duty: Ghosts  It was praised for its multiplayer gameplay and introduction of the new game mode "Extinction", but was criticized for its single-player campaign, rehashing of familiar concepts, and general lack of innovation. And the sequel for introducing "sweeping changes that breathe new life into the multiplayer experience" and called the campaign "lengthy, challenging, and varied". It went even further regarding the campaign calling it "impressive" and "a terrific collection of shootouts and set pieces".Both also welcomed the new character customization feature and game types in multiplayer, particularly Extinction which was called "tremendous fun" and "an interesting strategic dynamic"
  • I see that the price of the game goes down as the time pass by, i particularly note this thing on where i bought this for Rs 350 and the now the price has dropped to Rs 131.The Reason is its failure even among the COD fans.But few people like this game. 
  • While comparing to its predecessor the game has failed to meet the players expectation and the campaign seems to be little boring.

COD Ghosts(PS3)( - $9 - New -  

COD Ghosts(PS3)(  -   $2.1 - Rs.131 - New              


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